Eli, I was going through a rough time when a mentor told me, “Norm. No matter how bad things seem. They’re gonna get worse.” I laughed and that was the point. In hindsight, nothing lasts forever. Not the bad. Not the good. But, things do get better. Eventually.

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Beautiful! 😂

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A lot of stuff you see is like "trust the process". But its hard to when you never see results day in day out. Typically the only thing you ever see results with in a reasonable time frame is Employment. You do something, you get rewarded. It's very hard to have the faith to break away from that do-something-get-reward employment cycle.

In those dark hours for - what changed? Can you pick up on what cognitively changed?

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It totally is difficult. When I started this path I would second guess myself every day. Every time I did, I tried to figure out if there was another way in which I could find financial and personal freedom, if maybe going back to a job would be better. The answer was always no. After a while I stopped asking this every day and only asked it once a week. Then once a month. Then every few months. I kept coming back with the same answer - I had to figure this "business" thing out because it's the only way I could see to radically change my life's trajectory.

But in more practical terms, there definitely is a path to making this more predictable and faster - and I know this because I've taught this to other people. The central skill to make this business thing work turned out to be sales. Not marketing, not the actual professional skills of delivering the service, not even an outstanding product, but sales. And not in the sense of convincing people to buy something they don't want (that never works) but in the sense of understanding what people want and need *from their own perspective* and then helping them get it.

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Thanks man great answer

I appreciate your time

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Love this. 💗 I like hearing the nitty gritty.

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